Gamer Style

I am a gamer. And being a girl, games that bring out my feminine side attract me. However, my perspective of girly video games was limited to Barbie®, Bratz®, and Disney Princesses®.

My two cousins, Khristin and Jodi, introduced me to It is a site full of Flash video games. And yes! Being girls, my cousins played dress ups, make ups, and cooking. Naturally, they invited me to try out these games, too.

Of all the Flash games, I found dress ups to be the most entertaining. It brought me back to my childhood days when I’d spent my allowance on paper dolls. Dress up games consumed most of my time, playing around two to three hours per day. Up to date, I have done 31 dress up dolls. You are free to look at my album in

I will feature my top three favorites: the awards night dress, school outfit, and casual clothes. These dress ups were taken with a personal touch, as if I were to waer these clothes. Sigh! If only I have some sponsors who’d give these for free!

Awards Night: along the red carpet, you see me walking elegantly in a purple gown, hidden underneath the black trench coat. The flowing green scarf adds some conservativeness to the outfit. But what can I do? It is cold in the conference hall. It would even be a lot colder for me who is going to receive an award later on the evening. On bright side, the sparkling diamond earrings stand out amidst the dark and cold night

School outfit: Black and white fashion clearly describes my campus attire. It exudes an aura of professionalism without looking too old for my age. A long-sleeved white top and a black miniskirt, coupled with stockings give a slightly conservative note that is just right for school. All these things should come with black bags and shoes. And don’t forget the spectacles! It turns an ordinary looking girl into an intelligent one.

Casual Clothes: There is only one reason why I go to a shopping mall: FOOD. Specifically, food in the form of coffee, ice cream, and cakes! While some girls go gaga over clothes, I go crazy over desserts! With that, my casual outfit should be easy to wear. A white pair of sleeveless top and pedal pushers gives a relaxing aura. The air-conditioned mall would keep me cold but the black blazer is here to save me! Finally, accessories should be minimal, as these interfere with the eating.

There were more dress ups that reflect my personality. Being a gamer really helps. Now, I know where to go if I were to experiment on some looks without wasting time, money, and energy. My style is focused on conservative fashion, or in other words, timely clothes without showing too much skin.

So what’s your style?


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