The Start of My Hair Care Journey
"Wow, girl! Your hair is similar to that of a horse.", a friend told me just a few days ago. I was hurt, yes. But then again, it wasn't the first time that my hair was the center of attention. My hair is curly, dry, unruly, and frizzy. This problem is in my genes, so there is nothing I can do about it. Fact is, it is the source of my insecurity.
But insecurity is something that can be solved. Take for example my skin, I have a lot of blemishes before. Pimples, dark spots, and oiliness plague my face. But now, thanks to cosmetics, I was able to fix it. Skin care technology is amazing nowadays. You can practically find the solution to your targeted needs, may it be in clarity, anti-ageing, or whitening.
Maybe it's time for me to explore on hair care technology, too. However there is one thing I have noticed, I think we have a lot of options to care for straight hair but not much for curly hair. Salons mostly boast of styling, straightening, and coloring. When I go in, they would look at my hair, frown instantly, and think deep on what to suggest they should do. Mostly, it ends up with hair rebond.
I also tried hair rebonding. I regularly go once a year for four consecutive years. It is heavy on the wallet but the results are good! I didn't even have to worry about the frizz and my hair falls on place. However, it made my hair too flat and my face look too round for comfort.
Then the time came when I grew tired of having flat straight hair. The turning point was last 2011, when I attended my first BDJ event. One of the speakers, Ms. Bianca Valerio said, "Accept your hair as it is."
After that, I let my hair grow. Those wavy baby hairs started to come out and now, my original dry frizzy hair covers almost half of my head. The other half is the straightened rebonded part. It doesn't look good, honestly. But there is just no other way. LOL!
My hair now. :) |
Taking inspiration from Ms. Valerio and my successful skin care regimen, I will now embark on a journey to find the perfect product for my dry, unruly, damaged, and (insert negative word here) hair! This one is even more challenging because of the few options for curly hair care. But no worries! With these limitations, it is always an opportunity for someone out there to develop solutions.
So, bring it on, samples!