Perks of A Bella and Yogurt

Yogurt has been and always will be my favorite comfort food. It lifts up my spirits whenever I feel down. It’s sour but it adds sweetness to my life. So when I saw a yogurt related coupon in the BDJ coupon booklet of my 2015 Belle de Jour Power Planner, I was ecstatic! 

The Red Mango coupon in the 2015 BDJ Planner
A discount coupon at that! Yay! Red Mango is one of my favorite yogurt restaurants. With that in mind, I visited the Greenbelt branch. I prefer that one because if offers a nice view of the Makati tall buildings.

My order was a medium plain yogurt with my usual toppings: chocolate chips, mochi balls (can’t miss that!), and the one thing that gives grace and beauty to the dish: chocolate syrup.

Behold my tower of yogurt!

My yogurt dish and coupon

Those are mochi balls, choco chips, and chocolate syrup, y'all!

Gotta love these #PerksofaBella. A little savings goes a long way in the financial department. Simple things like this put a smile on my face. I’m sure my fellow bellas feel the same way too!

If you also want coupons, you can purchase the 2015 BDJ planner at


Raven Locks said…
That looks yummy! Thanks for sharing. :)

xo Azu

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