My Gundam Kyrios

It was on Otaku Expo 2011 that I successfully completed my first Gundam, officially named as Gundam Astray. That feat led me to discover that I have a passion in assembling mechas. So when I saw another Gundam Model Kits Caravan last Best of Anime 2011, I happily joined the queue for another round of assembling and detailing.

The Gundam Model Kits Caravan:

 The participants meticulously setting up their Gundam:

My Gundam Model Kit

We were tasked to setup Gundam Kyrios. It was a big difference to me because my first Gundam was a chibi version. This time, Gundam Kyrios is a full Gundam with less detailed parts. Its colors were only limited to white and orange, plus a little bit of black on placed on its back. I thought that assembling it would be harder compared to Astray.

But I was wrong. Kyrios was easier. It had lesser parts and thus, had only 7 steps. But the hardest was the first step: the Head! Ugh! It was so tiny that assembling the parts and putting in the stickers took a lot of my time. I realized it was difficult to work on smaller parts.  

Part One: The Head

Part two: Torso+head

Part three: left arm
Part four: right arm

Part five: right leg

Part six: left leg

Part seven: Putting it all together

Is assembling a Gundam hard? Hmmm…. Gundam Kyrios showed me the most difficult part, and it is not even one of the eight seven steps listed above. It is a task that seemed all too easy: DETAILING. Argh! I had to put an effort on getting my hands to be steady. I had to be particular of the black outlines of the Gundam. I guess that’s why they called it Gundam Assembling AND Detailing Contest. Sigh! What made it worse was that the Gundam Marker was running out of ink, so it didn’t have the expected result. Well, better luck next time, I guess.

My Gundam Kyrios as Entry number 64:

Other Gundams in the contest:

Congratulations to the winners!

I can’t wait till the next caravan! I hope I can run into it again in future events. I will keep on joining until I win first prize!


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