BDJ Passion Series: Stand Up, Defend! Through Krav Maga

Every woman should be independent enough to defend herself in times of danger. Thanks to Belle de Jour Power Planner, I got an invitation to the BDJ Passion Series: Stand Up, Defend! The event was held on August 26, 2012 at CrossFit MNL Philippine Army Gym Taguig. This gave me an opportunity to learn more about self-defense and be the strong woman that I have always wanted to become.

Stand Up, Defend!
The venue. Photo by Belle de Jour Power Planner
This event was done in partnership with the International Krav Maga Federation Philippines. Mr. Dindo de Jesus was our instructor with Ms. Kitin Flores. 
Mr. Dindo de Jesus and Ms. Kitin Flores. Photo by Belle de Jour Power Planner
We started off with a short introduction about Krav Maga and how it is one of the best self-defense skill to use. Krav Maga takes advantages of a person's natural reaction to danger. Honestly, I went to the event not knowing what Krav Maga is. But thanks to Mr. Dindo de Jesus, I have become interested about this craft. 

Like all vigorous physical activities, we started off with some warm up exercises. The speakers also taught us how to break the tunnel vision by looking as far as you can in all directions. 
The BDJ Girls doing some warm up exercises. Photo by IKMF Philippines
The half-day session taught us four techniques to defend ourselves on the common scenarios that people encounter. But the first step to everything is to avoid the grab of the evil doer, as it can evolve into a grab-stab, grab-kidnap, and so much more. 

Technique no. 1: Self defense against shoulder bag snatching.
   -Go with the pull, kick the groin, punch the attacker with your palm, grab the bag, observe the surroundings for accomplices, then run!
Ms. Kitin demonstrating the technique. Photo by BDJ Power Planner
Technique no. 2: Defense against kidnapping
  -The moves for this one is tricky.  Anyway, scrape off the attacker's hand from your mouth, pull it down to your sternum, rotate (uh... there are steps in doing the perfect rotation), then kick the groin. 
Mr. Dindo de Jesus for defense against kidnapping. Photo by BDJ  Power Planner

Technique no. 3: Defense against knife threat-hold up situation.
  -This is probably one of the most common scenarios that happen everyday. Honestly, I am also scared to wits each time I hear something like this in the news. The first step is to identify the weapon. Then if it is a knife, push the wrist of the attacker towards his body using your lower arm, turn around as you give him a head butt, grip his wrist with both hands facing opposite directions, kick his groin, and push him away.

That is how to do the proper defense grip. Photo by IKMF Philippines
Technique no. 4: Defense against handgun threat-hold up situation
    -Mr. Dindo de Jesus advised us to study different types of guns for this, as the technique requires disarming the attacker. Here is a short video courtesy of IKMF Philippines demonstrating the defense moves:

With these four newly learned defenses, I am now more confident to walk the streets. Of course, it requires practice and mastery. If you are interested in knowing more about Krav Maga, you may visit their website at or you may check out their Facebook page at

Many thanks to our instructors for this BDJ Passion Series: Stand Up, Defend! 
Our Krav Maga Instructors
Thanks to Belle de Jour Power Power Planner and IKMF Philippines for bringing us this event. 


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