The Baker's Hat

Whenever I feel down, sad or if life just gets a little harder, and I need some me-time to reflect and relax, I turn to food. Haha~ So all of us have this one thing that gives us instant happiness. And from all my favorite food out there, nothing can beat yogurt's effect on me. Among all brands and varieties, I crown The Baker's Hat as my ultimate comfort food. Yay! 

This one is from The White Hat. I like it because the sour yogurt is complemented by sweet toppings like candy, chocolate, cereal, and some fruits, too. So it's like revisiting your childhood once again with every serving of healthy yogurt. 

The Baker's Hat, large size (P155) plus added chocolate syrup (P20, total of P175)

The Baker's Hat is a serving of yogurt with cheesecake, almond cluster, or your choice of Blueberries or Red Cherries. My large cup always comes with Blueberries. But wait, the original recipe doesn't include chocolate sauce. I just added it because I am a sweet tooth like that. (^_^) 

A closer look of an adventurous palatable dish! 

The yogurt is velvety smooth and sour, of course. The cheesecake sour yet flavorful. The Blueberries are neutral but you gotta love the fibrous fruity effect it gives to the dish. The sweetness coming from the almond cluster and chocolate sauce make this my perfect sweet tooth choice. 

To tell you the truth, I only have the impulse to eat this whenever life gives me a lemon. Sometimes, I get philosophical while eating it. The sour parts are my tribulations and the sweet ones are my happiness. Haha~ Life's journey summarized in a dish! This is one adventurous mountain I am most willing to conquer!

Agree? Photo from The White Hat FB Page

So what is your ultimate comfort food? 


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