The 2015 Belle de Jour Power Planner

Three months to 2015 and the question is, have you gotten your own planner yet? And to further expand on the question, how do you plan your day? Hmmm... Me, I like to make a list of what to do for the day, but I'm not a control freak that I have specific timing for everything. I want to be free, at least for a few moments.

But anyway, back to the topic of planners... Whenever I go to bookstores, I see that there are a lot of choices available. Other than what's in the market, there are also exclusive planners from coffee and tea shops. It's cool, but admit it, you only need one planner, right? (^_^) And if you're like me who likes cute stuff, it will really require a lot of discipline to stop yourself from buying just ONE planner. Hahaha~

Don't worry, I was successful in stopping myself. Even if there are a lot of cute stuffs out there, I have an endearing loyalty to Belle de Jour Power Planner, which I started on 2011. And every year since, I have not stopped writing features of it. Readers of this blog know very well that I love BDJ and how it has changed me to be a better person through their informative events.

I'm very happy to tell you that I'm now in my fifth year with Belle de Jour Power Planner. Yay! This year's theme is Dance to the Beat of Your Dreams. The BDJ cover girl is in an elegant ballet pose and she looks extremely happy. She is the epitome of what every BDJ girl is: a happy woman following her dreams.

The sticker, coupon booklet, and the 2015 BDJ Planner
I bought this copy of the 2015 BDJ Power Planner at the 2014 BDJ Fair. There were other Viviamo! planners but I am the girly and the creative type... and of course, I love the BDJ cartoon on the cover. (^_^)

For this post, I will feature the lovely pages of this special planner. Starting off with the first page...

Now this baby here is going to be a tool to organize your dance through life for the year 2015. A foreword from Ms. Darlyn Ty is inspiring for us all. Have you ever thought of it? 

An excerpt from Ms. Dar's foreword.

So lemme take you to a journey inside the BDJ planner. Brace yourself for empowering articles and ribbon-inspired fonts in between. \(^_^)/

The BDJ Team have retained the Goals and the Dream Board page (Hmmm... this reminds me of my 2013 Dream Board). They also added the happiness list to make you smile whenever it gets tough. I personally like it and happiness stretches through my face whenever I take a glimpse of it. 

Goals page

The two-page Dream Board page

My new favorite: The Happiness List Page
For the past four years that I was with BDJ, I never had the chance to tick even just one in the BDJ Checklist. Now, I will try my best to accomplish at least one. I already have some in mind, easier ones. Hey, I got 365 days for it. 

The 2015 BDJ Checklist

Ugh... Skateboarding, perhaps? Hehehe~

The Ikigai concept is introduced to the pages, as well. This is quite new to me and I like how it encourages self-reflection about why we do things. 

The Ikigai page
Another page that I adore is the Rules of Photography page. Now this is sure to help me take beautiful photos for this blog. Yay! 

The Rules of Photography page
So on the planner proper... As usual, there is the Monthly divider page with helpful articles on just about any topic to inspire you to be a better person. For my month of November, it's about Finances.

It has a beautiful BDJ girl image, too.
Alright, here is a quick journey through a month, a week, and a day of the planner...

To a month's page...

...with a mini article, too.

The week on a two-page spread.

The month's name at the left and a mini calendar at the right

And an inspiring quote for the week

Yep, those are the sweet pages of BDJ planner. This year, the coupons come in a separate booklet. I love it because I can easily put it in my bag. And... even this comes with handy tips and write ups about makeup, finances, and life. (^_^)

The coupon booklet

An article on Work-Play Balance and... coupons!
And it ain't all complete without planner stickers! Wheee~

This planner is also your ticket to various events by Viviamo! Inc. I haven't yet joined in any meetups this year. Some commitments keep me from enjoying my life. (T_T) Sad, but true. However, that is why I love having planners, it makes you rethink every action and decide which ones should be done first. Priorities, they said. With Belle de Jour Power Planner, I can get those priorities straight and enable me to live my life to the fullest. I hope it does so for you and your chosen planner, as well. (^_^)

Live Live to the Fullest, Bellas!


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