So Undercover Movie Screening

I watched the movie So Undercover last Thursday with my fellow bloggers, courtesy of adidas NEO and Nuffnang Philippines. I saw a lot of fashionable people there. Oh, I forgot that the concept of this movie is about style. Me? I came from work so whatever I was wearing was all I got. Ha! I told you I am the utilitarian type

I won two tickets but I went alone and kept the other one. The screening was held at Shang Cineplex One. 

My tickets! :)

The view from my seat. 
So Undercover is a movie that I never thought I would like. The main character is Molly Morris (played by Miley Cyrus). She is a smart and tomboyish girl who does not care about makeup and fashion. That is, until the FBI hires her to go undercover in a sorority full of girly girls. 

At the beginning of the movie, watching Molly made me think that this girl is like me. I am without a care for style and move with boyish stance. I can definitely relate with her! However, despite me being not so feminine, I am beginning to like makeup ever since I started cosplaying. So I was laughing my heart out because as the movie progressed, I get the feeling of, "Oh! That is so like me!"

This is an example of my outfit almost everyday.
So Molly works as a private investigator with her retired dad. They spy on cheating husbands and take photos as evidence. 

Molly taking photos.
Then, Molly meets an FBI agent and convinced her to go undercover. But before she starts her mission, she needs some.... training.

A warehouse full of all the great stuff!
And yeah.... there is another line where I can feel that it's also directed at me. On this scene the hair stylist said,"It's like a sad animal attempted suicide on her head!". Uh... was he talking about my hair too?

"It's like a sad animal attempted suicide on her head!", the stylish said.
So our heroine goes to college and joins the girly sorority called KKZ. They have a lot of pink stuff in there! Hey, I like pink, too! 

What I love about this movie are Molly's stylish clothes and how she transformed into a fashionable girl!

Of course, I couldn't help but notice her beautiful makeup too! Love those smokey eyes! 

Overall, So Undercover is hilarious! The story and the twist was okay. However, I noticed the makeup, the pinks, the clothes, and that cute guy much more than the plot. But I like the movie very much! 

Once again, thanks to Nuffnang Philippines and adidas NEO for this special movie screening. All of us took home a free photo souvenir from the event.

My photo souvenir. :)


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