The 2013 Belle de Jour Power Planner

The year 2013 is finally here! What I'm most excited about is being able to use my 2013 Belle de Jour Power Planner that I bought last 2012 BDJ Fair! I waited for two months before I allowed myself to write on its pretty pages. Now let me show you the contents of this wonderful planner which made me so happy to write on. 

My 2013 BDJ Planner. 
This is one of my favorites! I am on my third year with Belle de Jour. So, I can proudly say: I'm a certified BDJ girl! 

I'm a certified BDJ Girl! 
Every year, the BDJ team puts a photo of the BDJ girls on one of its pages. This year, I'm glad that I was included in the group photo:

The BDJ Power Girls Club. Hey! I'm on the photo! 
Like what I have written about how Belle de Jour changed my life, a page is dedicated to all the groups and activities that they organize to bring out the best in every Bella:

All about BDJ outside its pages.
It is known that BDJ has coupons in its pages. It also comes with a BDJ Lifestyle Card where you will be entitled to perks and discounts. 

The BDJ Lifestyle card has all these perks.

Some of the coupons inside. Gotta love the Serenitea coupon.
My favorite part is next: writing goals at the start of the year! I sure do hope that what I have written here will come true. Ah! I forgot, that depends on me!

Goals for 2013.
The 2013 BDJ Checklist is also something to be excited about. Basically, it lists some random things you need to do for the year. Think, adventure time if you don't have one yet.

Check the ones you have done as the year unfolds. 
Look! These caught my attention. Surely, I will do this for 2013:

No. 54 is easy. 

No. 70 is something that I have always wanted to do. 
They also added extra slots after the list where you can write your very own aspirations. For me, it is... 

Yup! I admire Rain
At the start of every month, there is feature on how to live the best: blogging, fashion, etiquette,  and career:

November is my birth month. Look! It features FOOD!

Each month also has this mini pick-me-ups. For October, it's about celebrating your mistakes. 
 I'm also excited for the activites for 2013! Here are the pages that need your schedules and handwriting:

This page is good for keeping up with important events. 

At the top of the page is a unique quote for you. 

Write on your schedules, Bellas!

At the bottom of the page is also another inspiring line for you. 
Other than the usual everyday planner pages, there are also ones dedicated to health, vacation, and finances.

For health and fitness

For Vacation.

For bills

For our hard earned cash.
On the back cover of this beloved planner, you will see a reminder of what you should do in life...

BDJ's motto. 
This 2013 is a promising year for us to start anew. Belle de Jour has always helped me to remain positive in the midst of life's turmoils. This year, I'm looking forward for the new adventures God will give me. So before I go, let me share with you my power word for 2013: 

Focus is the word!


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