The Music of Love Story

Fan art photo by @cocorain0614
When I found that picture of Rain circulating around the internet, I remembered his song Love Story. Well, he might be singing that song in that photo. His suit is similar to the one he wore in the music video. However, more than the singer, I noticed his background. We see a group of violinists.

Usually, when I listen to songs, I only hear the overall sound produced by the rhythm of the instruments. I can't name the various musical equipment employed in the song. If the singer's voice is dominant in the composition, I tend to overlook the background music.

I know that Love Story is an RnB song with elements of jazz, ballad, and pop. I pondered on whether there were violins accompanying the melody. So I listened to it one more time, paying more attention to the background music than before. Click the video below to hear the song. 

Woah! The sound of violins are in there, accompanied with a piano in the midst of RnB percussion. I found that amazing because I thought such instruments were only meant for classical music. The composers of Love Story are geniusesHearing piano and violin in a modern song is a totally new experience to me! 

As it turns out, there is more to a song than the voice and emotions. I will pay closer attention to Rain's songs, or any other RnB song for that matter, as I might be amazed at the kind of sounds that I will discover. 

And...I was right! That photo is from Rain's live performance of Love Story -an RnB song with violin and piano! 



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